Toks Aruoture

Control your mind to control your life


Did you know that your thoughts lead to action? And if we want to decide the direction that our lives take, we must first take control of our mind? The actual order is thoughts >> feelings >> action>> result. We take action (or inaction) based on what we feel. A friend sent me a flyer […]

Wisdom: not easily obtained

There is always a temptation to talk a lot and empty one’s mind of the many thoughts that run through it; but fewer words selected from a carefully carved out mind carry deep wisdom. It is easy to gather stones from the surface; but skill and hard work is required to mine gold many meters […]

The Joy of Creativity

A few weeks ago I rediscovered the importance of living in your space. I see our purpose as a mould that existed before we were created, and then you were made to fit just right. At The Baby Cot Shop, we make bespoke items. This means that a chest of drawers listed on our website, […]