Embrace your uniqueness by living inside out

Embrace your uniqueness by living inside out

Embrace your uniqueness by living inside out


In conversation with one of my boys last week, I felt a new need to urge him to stand firm in his uniqueness.

Every child is one of a kind; I am mum to four amazing boys, all with strong personalities, yet with this particular son #3, I can’t say I’ve met anyone quite as extraordinary as him. He has a prodigious mind, one you’d be pleased to meet. Yet, I see him trying to stand in his one-of-a-kindness, while his peers try to erase the lines that outline him, the ones that make him stand out from the rest. My new mantra to him is; embrace your uniqueness.

Live Authentically


Inside you dwells the most authentic version of you, the one God created to be. That person is layered with the vicissitudes of life- the joys, disappointments, memories, hopes and dreams. The layers stop your authentic self from expressing themself, and so we end up presenting the version we want others to see.

The practice of authentic living removes the layers so that eventually you communicate as you; your gift, which lies buried will begin to express itself outwardly. Do you know what happens when you use your talent in the way the Creator designed it? You fulfil your earthly purpose- which glorifies God and benefits people.

Use Your Gifts

Your gift is a light that shines so that those searching for direction in the dark might find you. Imagine what happens if you are dressed like someone else? This camouflaging is a risk we face every time we admire someone to the point where we want to be like them. The people you look up to can affect your thought processes. Learn to respect people without wanting to be like them. Desire, instead, to be like you.

Learn to respect people without wanting to be like them. Desire, instead, to be like you.


Companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year on advertising to make them distinctive. My job is to reinforce to my sons, myself, and now, to you that our extraordinariness is priceless, and we must not trade it for popularity. Embrace Your Uniqueness

Understand the Sacrifice

Operating in your unique space means that your clients will find you easily since you won’t get lost in the noise.  One of the most liberating business truths I embrace is knowing that you have a group of clients or a tribe reserved for you, but they will only show up when they hear the sound of your voice, or recognise you in the crowd.

As a storyteller, I am passionate about using my life and business lessons to help others embrace their unique gifts. I believe that by using what lies inside us, we can become exceptional people in life and business.

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Have a blessed week!


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