Ep #4 Other People’s Opinions

Ep #4 Other People’s Opinions

Ep #4 Other People’s Opinions


Episode 4 of the Living Inside Out Podcast is about how our ideas become sterile when we graft other people’s opinions onto them.

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If you think there’s something off about this animal, you are right. It’s a hybrid.

Image credit: ohmyimaginaryfriend

Hybrids are formed when different species mate, the above ‘liger’ is a cross between a lion and a tiger.

What’s interesting about hybrids is that they are usually sterile. Two ligers cannot produce a baby liger. Two mules- horse x donkey, cannot produce a baby mule.

It’s the same when we shop around for other people’s opinions instead of just running with our ideas. Grafting someone else’s opinion on to your idea will not produce fruit.

When I think of many of the women I have had the privilege to speak to, either in a mentorship or advisory capacity, I see in them what I have fought with for a good chunk of my adult life. 

A lack of confidence in delivering the gift they are already so passionate about. Often when they come to me with their ideas, they are not just seeking a way to get it to market, they are also looking for reassurance or a guarantee that their idea really is a good one. 

I want to gift you with a truth. Your ideas carry the life it needs to become fulfilled. Remember in Episode one I used the analogy of the orange seed? Inside that seed is everything needed to become a tree.

Today your story is being written by others; it’s called other people’s opinion. Don’t follow their script. Write yours and follow it with all the boldness you can muster.


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