Faith and Your Future

Faith and Your Future

Faith and Your Future


Does faith play a role in future living?

Hindsight they say is 20/20. Another quote says Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

In Episode #38 of the podcast, I talk about how my Christian faith helps me trust the unseen and live as though I have 20/20 foresight.
Did you know you can shape your future through prayer and expectation? Not the stoic, monk-like type of prayers, but through open communication with an unseen God.

I share three ways in which you can use prayer to create your tomorrow.; one of which is understanding worthiness. This one came right out of my being scammed by an electrician two years ago. I also talk about why I believe we should not pray for healing.

Buzz Phrases/Questions for the week
Each week I share an affirmation or a powerful question that will guide our steps to move us from simply being inspired, to making a change.

  1. I am worthy to become and to do everything God created me to do.
  2. My past does not define or have power over my future.

Coming Soon 
The Rock Star Story Workshop
By popular demand (drum roll..) I will be running a workshop on How to Write your Rock Star Story. This has been one of the most powerful, life-changing events of my life. In the workshop, I will teach you how to re-write your story from the standpoint of a winner, and not a victim. Head to and save the date for the 12th of June.

Eisenhower Matrix
Your Past does not Equal your Future– Lisa Nichols
The Lord’s Prayer– Luke 11:2

To subscribe to the Living Inside Out podcast, hit the subscribe button where you are listening. You can also join my friends’ list by scrolling to the bottom of this post and signing up so you can be informed of events, courses and all the things that inspire Living Inside Out.

Talking about courses, I have been working on launching a programme and decided to try out one of the modules by making it prematurely available to you.

For a nominal fee, you can attend the Write your Rock Star Story workshop on the 12th of June.

Consider yourself my test driver- to the two-hour class 😊 Register at Eventbrite and in exchange for the discounted amount, all I ask for is your feedback.

Spaces are limited but you can still invite a friend. Head to Eventbrite and see you on the 12th!


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