It’s time to address that fear

It’s time to address that fear

It’s time to address that fear

Dealing with Fear and Managing Anxiety

Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by fear? I don’t mean stop to ponder then keep going. I mean a total pivot- thank you 2020 for the word of the year- from the path you were travelling on.

Well, in the last couple of weeks, anxiety has gripped me by the collar. I have been unable to move. It surprised me to be afraid of a situation I have been in and been delivered from multiple times, yet here I was doubting God again. So I put pen to paper and asked myself some questions, I have shared them along with my answers below.

1. What action are you currently taking?

AnswerI am stalling. I am stalling because I am worried. This concern has stopped me from taking any action, it has paralysed me.

2. What do you believe?

Answer: I believe this new venture I am starting could fail, just like my first business did.

3. What circumstances surrounded the failure at that time?

At this point, I start to describe in detail who I was, twelve years ago. My thought process and how I made decisions then. As I wrote, God began to show me my twelve years worth of growth, twelve years of miracles, twelve years of growing in faith and knowledge, twelve years of building resilience.

So in a nutshell, the fear of something that happened all those years ago is redundant, because the person that had the failure no longer exists.

Perhaps you are facing some type of anxiety over an old or recent experience. Here’s the thing; every time you have a bad experience, you grow from it. Often we don’t recognise the growth because our focus is on the pain. I invite you to stop for a minute or two to recognise and embrace the growth, despite the pain.

Episode 29 (whaaaaat?!!) is up and I draw lessons from the life of Ronald Wayne, co-founder of Apple who panicked and sold his share of the company a mere twelve days after its launch. What’s the deal with the number twelve today?

The prior episode, #28 draws from the life of Tyler Perry, media mogul. Did you know that his motivation for success came initially from his anger and unforgiveness towards his father?

Hmmm. Who knew that success could come from dark places- but there was no real satisfaction until he began to draw from who he was created to be. I think you’ll find Episode 28 fascinating.

TBH, I believe you’ll find all the episodes you missed, fascinating:)

Ooh! and this month finds me in Red Magazine. Pick up the January 2021 issue today 🙂

Thank you for riding with me, let’s connect on social at @toksaruoture


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