Toks Aruoture

Live, Speak, and Act From a Place of Completion

Have you ever stood before a jigsaw puzzle, looking at the beautiful picture on the box, only to open it and find all the scattered pieces inside? This scenario holds a profound metaphor for our lives – one that I’ve been pondering deeply lately, one that I’m excited to share with you.

Living Inside Out

Living inside out means living from the belief that what you desire already exists. It is a concept that should resonate withy you. Imagine living from a place where everything you desire already exists. It’s like embarking on a backwards journey, where instead of striving to create something new, we’re actually reverse-engineering a life that’s already been beautifully designed for us. The results we’re aiming for? They’re already established. Our job is simply to trust in that fact and let it inspire us.

Now, this isn’t about ignoring our current realities. Rather, it’s about choosing to be creative instead of reactive, knowing that our desired outcome is, in fact, inevitable.

Your Life is Your Jigsaw Puzzle

Let’s go back to that jigsaw puzzle, shall we? Think of your life like a jigsaw puzzle, with all the pieces already complete. When you buy a jigsaw puzzle, you see the entire picture on the box. That picture is your vision — whole, complete, and beautiful. However, when you open the box, the pieces are scattered, seemingly disconnected, and you’re tasked with putting them together. The pieces are all there, and though it may take time, patience, and effort, the complete picture is always in view.

You might be working with a 1,000-piece or even a 20,000-piece puzzle. The process can feel overwhelming at times. You’ll face distractions, frustrations, and moments where impatience creeps in. But here’s the kicker — every single piece is accounted for! Just like the jigsaw, you know for certain that the end result is already complete. The final picture is waiting to emerge, you only need resilience, perseverance, and sometimes a helping hand to see it through. Speaking of a helping hand…

Finding Your Puzzle Helpers and Understanding the Bigger Picture

Now, I don’t know about you, but when I’m tackling a particularly tricky puzzle, I’m not above asking for help. Sometimes you need a guide or a mentor  someone to share techniques like starting with the edges or finding those key pieces first. Or perhaps what you need is a coach  someone who can spot your unique gifts and strengths, and encourage you to use them (If this sounds like something you’re after, keep reading to the end. There’s something for you). Ultimately, though, it comes down to your decision to keep going, to grow, to learn, and yes, even to enjoy the process.

This is a reflection of your life. As you’re piecing together your life puzzle, don’t forget those who are blessed by your journey. Your struggles, your triumphs, your everyday moments of perseverance, they’re all part of a bigger picture that inspires and uplifts others around you. The vision you carry is already fully formed within you, that’s why you keep seeing it and desiring it. Remember, the complete picture is always in view, and every piece you need is already within you. You have everything required to become all that God created you to be. Nothing is missing!



Here are a couple of affirmations to keep you living, speaking and acting from a place of completion:

  • You hold all the pieces of my life in Your hands, nothing is missing! Verse: Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. – Psalm 139:16
  • I have everything I need to become all You created me to be! You have blessed me with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places! Verse: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. – Ephesians 1:3
Your Next Step: Get Unstuck!

As you embark on this journey of putting together the pieces of your life, remember that you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re ready to gain clarity, break free from limiting beliefs, and step confidently into your purpose, our Get Unstuck Coaching Programme is designed to help you do just that. With practical guidance, mentorship, and support, you’ll discover how to reverse-engineer the life you’ve always envisioned.

The waitlist for our next cohort opens on 19th September. If you’re ready to transform your life, I’d love for you to be part of this journey. Spots are limited, so joining the waitlist will give you priority access and even some lovely early-bird offers. Join the waitlist here. The next cohort begins at the end of October. Join in and start your journey towards living from a place of completion!


Remember, the complete picture of your life is always in view, even when the pieces seem scattered. Trust the process, embrace the journey, and know that you have everything you need within you. Keep piecing together your beautiful life puzzle, one bit at a time. You’ve got this.

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