Toks Aruoture

Unpredictability and Recognition

Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn’t it? As I reflect on the past few weeks, I’m struck by the sheer unpredictability of it all. Some days have been absolutely brilliant, while others… well, let’s just say they’ve been less than stellar. It’s been a proper rollercoaster, this season of my life. Through it all, I have learned something crucial: the importance of a calm mind. When our thoughts are in chaos, our bodies tend to follow suit. We end up flitting about, trying this and that, seeking some semblance of harmony. It can be exhausting, really.

So there I was, learning to be still, when life decides to throw me yet another curveball. But this time, it wasn’t a challenge. I found my name on the Diversity in Luxury Leaders List! This isn’t just any list, mind you. It showcases 100 remarkable individuals making significant strides in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the luxury industry.

Dual Realities

My first thought was “Really?” And not the excited kind of “really!” More of a “really?” with a question mark. Did they mean to include me? But yes, there I was, right on that list. To say I’m humbled would be an understatement.

It’s a bit surreal, receiving such a prestigious recognition during a time when I have more questions than answers. This experience is teaching me about dual realities. It truly feels like the best of times and the worst of times, all rolled into one. The challenges are immense, but so is the recognition. The questions are many, but so are the opportunities for learning.

So here I am, on a list of something. The Diversity in Luxury Leaders List, to be precise. It’s a recognition and an honour I never expected, especially not now. But perhaps that’s the point. Our impact often reaches further than we realise, even in our moments of doubt. We’re making waves even when we feel like we’re barely treading water. It’s a powerful reminder that our struggles don’t diminish our worth or our impact.


Whether you’re currently at a peak or in a dip, always remember that your journey matters. Your efforts count. Your voice is heard. As for me, I’m learning to embrace both the highs and the lows of this journey. I’m learning that it’s okay to have more questions than answers. I’m learning that growth often feels like discomfort. And I’m learning that sometimes, people out there recognise your efforts long before you do.

So, keep pushing, keep growing, and most importantly, keep being authentically, unapologetically you. Because you never know when your efforts might land you on a list of something too.

Living Inside Out

Episode 97 of the Living Inside Out Podcast is live, and we’re only three away from 100 episodes! Episode 97 is ‘Challenges to Opportunities: Steps to Help You Change Your Perspective’.

On Episode 96, I talked about how our perspective on circumstances affects our growth. In this episode, I delve into the benefits of seeing circumstances as neutral, as this perspective enables us to see opportunities even in difficult times. And speaking of dual realities, I talk more on embracing them, as they could be good in the midst of challenges. Listen to the full episode here.

There’s even more exciting news! In recognition of your support, for our 100th episode, I’m looking to record in front of a live audience. It would be beautiful to connect with you in person as we celebrate this milestone. Interested in being a part of the live audience? Send an email to [email protected]. Looking forward to seeing you!

PR Workshop

A reminder that our PR on a Shoestring Budget Workshop will hold on the 27th of June.

One thing I can say after being in business for almost 20 years is that PR is essential. While this is so, many businesses still struggle to get it right. My business would not be where it is without PR. Having started with $75, I had no budget to pay an agency or pay for advertising. Yet, I ended up in national and international publications like Vogue, Hello!, Architectural Digest, The Telegraph, Times, Channel 4, ITV, BBC, and so many more. In this workshop, I will teach you all I know to get yourself into the media without having to pay thousands. Email [email protected] to register your interest. Let’s get your brand in the spotlight for all the right reasons.

Courses and Workshops

Our range of coaching services and workshops are designed to help you achieve personal and professional growth. From authentic narratives to mindful journaling, brand positioning and mindset mentoring, you will definitely find a growth catalyst that suits your needs. Whether you are looking to improve your mindset, adopt a growth-oriented perspective, enhance your entrepreneurial skills, or navigate life’s challenges, we have something for you. Go for it. You’ll be glad you did.

Let’s Connect

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Also, go to to watch and subscribe. I would LOVE to connect with you on socials. Stay in touch at Let’s hang out together on Instagram @toksaruoture and on Facebook @Living Inside OutThank you!