Toks Aruoture

The Power Of Perspective

In our latest episode of the Living Inside Out podcast, we explore the concept that circumstances in themselves are neutral, and it is our thoughts about them that shape our emotional responses. See how our perceptions, perspectives and attitudes can transform our experiences of pain, so we are not crippled by it, but instead we advance in spite of it. Listen here.

Key Takeaways From The Episode
Circumstances Are Neutral

Circumstances are neither good nor bad. The essence of it is this: it isn’t the circumstance itself that causes discouragement, sadness, joy, or anger — it’s our thoughts about it. Situations are neutral; they do not carry any power. Circumstances don’t have any intention; they are the foundation on which we build our lives. They just exist for you to do with them what you will. It follows then that it is your thoughts towards a circumstance that create the emotions you have. This is why two people in the same situation can have completely different reactions — one feels joy, and the other feels anger.

Embrace Challenges

I was listening to a recording by Earl Nightingale, where he said to be successful, you have to voluntarily embrace pain and disappointment. I resolved to embrace pain and disappointment because, as we all know, they are part of life and found on the way to our vision. The doorway for pain and disappointment is the same doorway for joy. It’s all in the perspective. By choosing to embrace rather than fight against them, you have more control over your life.

Avoid Comparison

A mindset of comparison deceives us into thinking a permanent change in circumstances will bring us permanent joy. That’s not true. Pain and joy are internal experiences, and comparing our circumstances to others’ can be misleading and unhelpful. The realisation that we all express pain differently helps us stop comparing our pain to others and judging ourselves as being in a better or worse circumstance. We should be thankful for all we have without comparing it to people who lack what we have.

There’s a lot more! We explore the influence of our perception, and the importance of finding joy and peace within, regardless of external circumstances. Listen to the full episode here.

Coming Soon
PR Workshop

I am excited to announce that our PR on a Shoestring Budget Workshop will hold on the 27th of June.

One thing I can say after being in business for almost 20 years is that PR is essential. While this is so, many businesses still struggle to get it right. My business would not be where it is without PR. Having started with $75, I had no budget to pay an agency or pay for advertising. Yet, I ended up in national and international publications like Vogue, Hello!, Architectural Digest, The Telegraph, Times, Channel 4, ITV, BBC, and so many more. In this workshop, I will teach you all I know to get yourself into the media without having to pay thousands. Email [email protected] to register your interest, and I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

Courses and Workshops

Explore our range of coaching services and workshops designed to help you achieve personal and professional growth. From authentic narratives to mindful journaling, brand positioning and mindset mentoring, you will definitely find a growth catalyst that suits your needs. Whether you are looking to improve your mindset, adopt a growth-oriented perspective, enhance your entrepreneurial skills, or navigate life’s challenges, we have something for you. Go for it. You’ll be glad you did.

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