Toks Aruoture

Thriving Beyond Borders and Lessons Learnt in 2023

It’s been quite a whirlwind lately, and I’m really excited to share with you what I’ve been up to recently.

Rapid Dawn

First off, I had the absolute pleasure of appearing on Rapid TV for the Rapid Dawn Breakfast Show. The episode, aptly titled ‘Thriving Across Borders,’ gave me a chance to discuss a topic close to my heart — my experience as a Nigerian entrepreneur venturing beyond my homeland.

As someone who’s had the privilege (and challenges!) of operating businesses in multiple countries, I shared insights on navigating international business landscapes. We talked about the hurdles Africans face abroad, and more importantly, the cultural adaptations that must be made by those who do make the move.

For those of you considering a move or expanding your business internationally, I offered some strategies for thriving in new environments. It was a joy to share these nuggets of wisdom, hoping they might ease someone else’s journey. If you missed it, you can catch up here or watch below.

Living Inside Out

Now, switching gears. The 99th episode of my podcast, Living Inside Out is out! Can you believe we’ve made it this far?! I’m truly grateful for each one of you who’s been on this journey with me.

Episode 99 is Life Lessons With Suzy & Toks. This episode was particularly special as I was joined by my dear friend, Suzy. We discussed the life lessons we learned in 2023. Yes, I know this is six months ‘late’. But sometimes, it’s not about when you learn the lesson, it’s about making sure you learn it at all.

Suzy and I had a heart-to-heart about the unexpected turns life can take. Since our last conversation, Suzy’s divorce has been finalised, and she’s embracing her newfound freedom with open arms. It was a powerful reminder that sometimes, what seems like an ending can actually be a beautiful beginning.

As for me, I opened up about surviving a long, challenging season of my own. I shared some of the tools that helped me navigate those rough terrains. One key lesson? Life isn’t a straight line, and that’s perfectly okay. We often waste time trying to ‘fix’ the bends in our journey when we should be embracing them as part of our unique path.

This episode is actually part one of two, so stay tuned for more life lessons with Suzy and yours truly. If you want to see our cheerful faces (and trust me, despite the heavy topics, there were plenty of laughs), head over to our YouTube channel and watch the recording.

You can also listen to the full episode here.

As I reflect on these experiences, I’m reminded of the power of sharing our stories. Whether we’re discussing business strategies or personal growth, there’s so much we can learn from each other.

Remember, we’re all doing life together. Sometimes we’re climbing, sometimes we’re falling, but we’re always moving. Keep thriving, keep growing, and most importantly, keep being wonderfully, uniquely you.

Until next time, sending you all love and light.

Let’s Connect

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