What you focus on

What you focus on

What you focus on

What you focus on is what you will believe, and what you believe is what you will act on. 

I recieved a business opportunity that was a dream come true. This should have been a time to marvel and rejoice at what could only be described as a miracle, I had even accepted that it will not happen and yet here it was being offered to me on a platter. 

I deliberted back and forth before finally accepting the offer when it didn’t even require a second thought. Here’s what I discovered was going on in my mind. I was focusing on the negative. Instead of looking out for God’s blessings, I had become accustomed to looking out for traps. So when the offer was given to me, my instinct was to dig holes in it.

This mindset has no doubt robbed me of opportunities past. Faith in God means that you expect the best and not the worst. One of my affirmations is “I raise my expectations to meet Gods promises for me.” I use it to counteract my default mindset of pulling down my expectations to meet my current reality. I obviously need to put my declaration to practice. Thankfully I took the opportunity and I’m glad I did.

What are you expecting? Failure or success? If failure, all your energy will be spent searching for landmines and you will not recognise God’s blessings for what it is. If success, even that which looks like a trap will be interpreted as an opportunity.

I didn’t have a negative mindset, I simply focused on the wrong thing. Just because something is a possibility does not mean you can choose that to become your point of focus.

What you focus on grows until it engulfs your mind and becomes your reality. When you focus on the negative, even opportunities look like threats.

I hope this has blessed you! Please add your two cents (or more) below.


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