Wrong Mindset: Lies that depend on external factors

Wrong Mindset: Lies that depend on external factors

Wrong Mindset: Lies that depend on external factors

If you missed the previous post on wrong mindsets, head back to read it here. Your mindset is the foundation from which your thoughts are formed. If you have an incorrect one- which may be anything from a pre-conceived notion to a strong belief- it will certainly affect your actions and stir you in the wrong direction.
The previous wrong mindsets were specific to internal sources, but there are those thoughts that are dependent on other people, places or things.

Wrong Mindset #4: I must follow the beaten path

I have had weird and wacky business ideas which I didn’t act on because no one else had done it. I believed there was a template I needed to follow so if my ideas were too unique, then it must not be valid. If this is you, stop. This mindset works hand in hand with the next one because chances are your friend will encourage you to follow the beaten path. I became cured of it over time as I uncovered the previous lies and met the acquaintance of the antidote, authenticity.
Truth: You are a uniquely created being inspired by God. In other words, God dreamt and you came true. The practice of authentic living has been the single most impactful principle in my life to date. The day I understood that I was unique and different from every other person was the day I met the real Toks.

You are a beautiful work of art. Do you know that you were not mass produced but made individually by hand? God set aside time to craft you. Your thoughts, personality, and ideas are yours alone. No one else thinks like you. Your fingerprint is proof of your one-of-a-kindness. So why force yourself into a cookie-cutter lifestyle?

To be authentic is to live as the original, not a cheap knock-off version of you or someone else. Your authentic nature is proof that your ideas will be unique and in some cases, never seen before. So don’t head for the beaten path, create your own trail and blaze it.

Wrong Mindset #5: I need other people’s approval as proof that I am doing the right thing.

This next mindset was mine for many years. I even had to forgive myself for relying on friends and others to permit me to proceed.
This lie does not use the word approval, as that would be too obvious. It shows up as harmless questions like  “what do you think?” Or it may come up when you share something on social media and you don’t get the anticipated number of likes. I know, I’ve been there.
The topic of people approval is one that I’m passionate about. I recently had to perform a rite of self-forgiveness because for years I had waited on my friends for their approval. Yes, it was that deep. This lie is embedded in the belief that you are not good enough to come up with your own ideas, so you toddle over to someone who has managed to convince you they are a better judge of what’s going on in your own life. This mindset is borne out of a lack of confidence. It may also come from not wanting to take responsibility for your life so you hand over the reins to someone else.
Truth: Every dream comes with its own authority to be manifested.
If you came up with the idea, that’s all the approval you need. What has God said about you and your gift? That word is what stands forever. His word is law.
This lie can be turned on its head by knowing your purpose is God-given, not man-made and your allegiance is to God alone. Your friend or preferred guru does not share that responsibility.
I will revisit the topic of wrong mindsets in the future as I uncover more, but in my next post, I will address my next a game-changing perspective that literally transformed the results of my work. Make sure you have signed-up to receive my newsletter so you don’t miss that. Also, if you are on social media, follow me at @toksaruoture where I dip my toe in the water with live broadcasts!
Now, I need your help. I am working my way into being consistent and becoming a woman of my word. Blog posts will go out every Sunday. Will you pull me up if I fall? Thank you! Let me know what other mindsets you’ve come across that hold us back.


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