Toks Aruoture | Speaker, Coach & Storyteller

Dreams Grow on Fertile Ground

In the past, cynicism made its way into my life through repeated bad experiences. These days it occurs through the frequent hearing of negativity since we live in the age of excessive information. Guard your heart and mind, this is where the flavour of your life is prepared. Taking in salacious news or social media comments laces your life with the poison of cynicism. A cynical mind keeps absorbing more to justify its angst and the media houses know that to be a fact that’s why they keep your attention with bad news after bad news. The result is your feeling disillusioned, no need trying since it will fail. Are you a person of faith? If so, this mindset won’t help as dreams do not survive in this sort of environment.  What to do instead is nurture your soul.  Your soul is that part of you where dreams get believed in, imagination stretches beyond the logical, and thoughts, desires and emotions occur. The start of each year is filled with brand new promises and goals but this feeling of newness won’t last forever; it’s up to us to create a fertile space in which to nurture our dreams.  Fill your physical space with beauty and things that inspire you. Get rid of physical and mental clutter. Learn to say ‘no’  without feeling guilty. Don’t pile too much on your plate. Take up a new hobby that sparks your creativity. These are just some ways in which you can create an inspiring space for your ideas to flourish.  What have you done in the past that’s worked for you? Do share in the comments box 😊 To receive posts by email, subscribe to my newsletter.