Toks Aruoture | Speaker, Coach & Storyteller

Wild Dreams

Do you ever get mad at certain words or sentences? I do. Weird, admittedly but I do. This month I’m at odds with the word, ‘but.‘ It all started when I was discussing possible solutions with someone and they kept saying ‘but…‘. Each suggestion I made was followed with a ‘but‘ and then the reason why the suggestions wouldn’t work. Sometimes, we act like we have borders around our dreams even though we don’t.  People try to place your dreams in a box- “yes you can dream,” they say, “but only this much.” Or “I see what you’re trying to do here- but others have tried and failed.” It becomes tragic when we agree with their assertion and start to dream within the parameters they have set. These were my thoughts when ‘Wild Dreams’ came to me. I hope you are blessed by it and you will allow your dream to grow wild and big until it breaks that box open. In what ways have your dreams been stopped from blossoming?