Toks Aruoture | Speaker, Coach & Storyteller

Watch the Little Foxes

I started my day thinking about the certainty of the gift God has placed in me and the fact that my set of talents is given to me because it is needed to bring my purpose to pass. I also understand that the desires I have are in alignment with my purpose. I don’t have a burning desire or a need that drives me to want to become a classical pianist as that is not part of my purpose. I have a burning desire to write, grow my business to great heights and so much more. These desires exist because they are wired into my being. Now, my thoughts this morning went along the lines of ‘why” and ‘what’. Why am I struggling to fulfil aspects of my calling and what is standing in the way? The same answer came as it has always done. The little foxes. The little foxes are habits, people, behaviour or things that are not monumental, yet can detail your life. Like a tiny rudder that steers a massive ship. Or the little muscle in our mouth that can destroy relationships or even create a negative environment for failure to exist. This scripture tells me that the flesh is weak, and the law was not enough to tame it. So Jesus came to do what the law couldn’t do. Because of Jesus, the power of the life-giving spirit has freed me from the weakness of my flesh which stops it from doing what I instruct it to do. Because of Christ we can now follow the desire of the Holy Spirit which is one with our spirit, as opposed to following the flesh which is in enmity against God. The little foxes will always try to derail us, but we must use the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in victory. What little foxes are hanging around your vineyard trying to destroy your entire crop? And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. Romans 8:2 NLT