Toks Aruoture | Speaker, Coach & Storyteller

So I Published a Podcast 😊

Living Inside Out Podcast

Yes, I went and released one. It’s called Living Inside Out with Toks. I believe that our environment is the result of actions we have taken, and actions are driven by emotions, while emotions are sparked off by thoughts. If we want to change the circumstance we find ourselves in, we cannot do so by changing the circumstance itself. Rather, we do so from the inside.  We live from the Inside out.  In each episode, I share the tools I have used to identify and remove my limiting beliefs- mindsets are a source of thoughts and controlling the source will determine the type of thoughts you think. Taking it a step further is exploring the source of our thoughts, and controlling the source will determine the type of thoughts we think. I have mentored a number of women over the years, and a few good men too. There is one truth that runs through us all. Most if not all the challenges, restrictions and hesitation that keep us from moving forward are caused by limiting mindsets which determine our thoughts. So I started the podcast to share some of the tools I have used to unearth those limiting beliefs to help us thrive. The Living Inside Out Podcast is a weekly one, but I have decided to initially release two episodes every week for the first month at least. You can listen here, or anywhere good podcasts are played. Do you have a topic you’d like me to speak on? Send me a message. I would love you to tell me what you think. You can do so in the comments box on the official Podcast Website, you can do so here and of course via email. I do have one favour… please can you rate each episode on iTunes to help Living Inside Out be found by those who need to hear it? I look forward to connecting via voice and hearing from you!