Toks Aruoture | Speaker, Coach & Storyteller

Practical Abundance: Living Life Without Limits


Episode #49 is packed with many gems. I am excited to share some more on the abundance mindset in this episode, following on from the previous one. To recap; Abundance is a mindset. It is not the things you own There’s a difference between an abundance mindset and a lack or poverty mentality.  Poverty hides true wealth. And by this, I mean your mind and body can only accommodate so much. By freeing up some of the good but useless stuff, you have room for the better. But even more importantly, poverty covers the seeds you would have planted to yield good fruit. While it is helpful to learn about abundance, it is even more important to practice it. The reason we adopt healthy mindsets is so that we can live healthy lives. Creating an abundance mindset will lead to you living in abundance. We consist of spirit, soul, and body. Many people focus only on the physical form of wealth, the part that our senses perceive; that’s what we tend to go after. But I believe true wealth, even the physical kind, is a by-product of walking in our purpose. So it follows then that if we are to live fully, we have to ensure that our spirit and mind embrace and align with abundance. Practical ways to live in abundance are: You are a river, not a pond.  See yourself as a river that’s open at one end to receive from God, and open at the other to give to the world. Think of freshwater bubbling along, never stagnating or pooling up; that’s what your available resource looks like. A pond mentality, on the other hand, relies on rain and precipitation as its source. Infrequent and uncertain in its availability. A pond has no outlet except by evaporation, and this translates into the vicissitudes of life. Seeing yourself connected to a limitless God will transform your thinking from lack to plenty. Give without expecting anything in return. Giving breaks the poverty mindset faster than anything else. Because you can’t give what isn’t present. Giving alerts you to the blessings in your own life and elevates your position from the recipient to the benefactor. Practice Gratitude Gratitude alerts you to just how blessed you are; it opens your eyes to what you have instead of what you are lacking. Generosity keeps your line of vision clear so you can identify hidden opportunities. Write your definition of success. You are a unique being, and no one has the secret code to your success. We are bombarded with instructions on how to be successful, what we must do every morning and the exact steps to fulfil our purpose. Suppose you follow other people’s opinions on success. In that case, you will end up frustrated as your search for resources will be futile. Your supplies are found on your path, not on someone else’s. Dream Small Because everyone tells us to ‘dream big’, but big dreams don’t always inspire us to act. Sometimes big dreams discourage us as we don’t have the space or faith to see it happen. When this is the case, dream small. Your big goal consists of multiple small dreams that lead to the grand finale. Even when that materialises, you will dream again. Listen to the full episode and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss a thing! Save these Dates for your diary: 3/12/2021 YouTube Channel Launch The First Episode of Living Inside Out on YouTube will be going live! Think the podcast on steroids 😄. Join me for a show packed full of inspiration, how to’s, business tips, interviews, and so much more. If we are not yet connected on social, let’s do so; my handle is @toksaruoture and please, spread the word. 11/12/2021 Christian Women in Business: Finding God in the Most Unlikely Places A free Zoom meeting for Sisters in Business. I feel such a burden to have an evening sharing my business journey and testimonies of how God got me out of situations that I couldn’t see my way out of. My goal is to show you how to find God in seemingly impossible places while on your business journey. 16/01/2022 Introspective Journaling for Personal Growth. You all know that my journal is my best friend. And it isn’t because it contains secrets and memories, but because writing is a powerful tool for discovering who you are, your purpose, your intentions and also for mapping out your dreams. Journalling is the most potent tool bar none because it extracts the powerful truths from your mind, which is the engine room of your life. Resources: From Prison to Praise– book on giving thanks Netflix: The Black Godfather- documentary on Clarence Avant The Light’s House Online Church Negations for Growth– episode on making agreements