Toks Aruoture | Speaker, Coach & Storyteller

No doubt you have heard and perhaps used the adage, Seeing is believing. This suggests that you cannot deny what you can physically see. It also means that if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.

In this episode, I challenge you to reverse that thinking; you see what you believe. The unseen world is superior to the seen; everything we see today started in the mind- either in the mind of the Creator or in the mind of man, the creator. Every painting we see and admire was completed in the artist’s mind before he represented it on canvas.

Your shoes and clothes existed first in the designer’s mind before they fashioned what only they could see into the physical versions. It follows then that if you want to manifest an idea hidden in your mind, you must believe it is real and worthy of being embodied.

We tend to only give our time and effort to what we can see- because we deem that real. But that demotes you from creator to arranger. You are simply rearranging other people’s creation and not manifesting any of yours.

As always, I draw examples from my experiences which form the basis of the lessons shared to help you take a step of faith.


The Simplifiers Podcast: How to Adopt a Healthy Mindset

The Call of Abram: Genesis 12

Joshua’s Installation: Joshua 1

Get Unstuck: Mindset Mentoring Programme

Let’s Connect:

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