Toks Aruoture | Speaker, Coach & Storyteller

Moving on from Mediocrity


The Middle Ground. The Neutral Zone. Mediocrity. In this episode, I share my thoughts on what mediocrity looks like.  Because it can show up looking like ambition. Years ago, after losing everything, I went from aiming for the stars to aiming for normalcy. The story of the temptation of Eve in the Bible forms the backdrop for this episode as I recently found myself on shaky ground. And I needed to uncover how I got from being so certain about my future to questioning everything around me. Eve had it all made! Her life and marriage were figured out; what was it about that conversation with a serpent that caused her to throw it all away? She ended up in the middle ground. The space between where she used to be and where she was headed. And on that middle ground, you risk falling either to the left or to the right. Mediocrity will lead you to believe you are advancing because you are no longer where you used to be. We say the sun rises and sets when in reality, it is stationary; it is the earth that moves. Likewise, you could be stationary, and the world’s movement will have you thinking you are flourishing. As always, I use examples from my life, specifically the season I decided to settle in no man’s land because it was more comfortable than where I used to be. Affirmation: My expectation is for better, not worse. Success, not failure. Completion, not abandoned projects. Excellence, not mediocrity. I am getting better and better as a… Insert Role (woman, as a mum, as a wife, as a business owner, as a friend, as a daughter). I am getting better as a person. Resources: The Temptation: Genesis Chapter 3 Affirmation: Proverbs 4:18 Get Unstuck: Mindset Mentoring Programme Let’s Connect: Have you subscribed to this podcast? Why don’t you do so on your favourite podcast app? Then head to to watch and subscribe to my show, Living Inside Out. I would LOVE to connect with you on social; let’s stay in touch at and hang out on Instagram- @toksaruoture and on Facebook, Living Inside Out.

Finding Treasure in Dark Places


In this episode, we carry on from last week, reviewing powerful lessons learned this year. Lessons are like breadcrumbs that show you the way forward; if you don’t learn them, you’ll soon find yourself going through the same challenge again. April: I learned that taking action in one area often results in a blessing being released in another. We tend to plant a seed and watch for it to grow on the same spot. There are times that the tree sprouts up somewhere else; this means we should not stand on the same spot looking for fruit but instead go about our business, and the investment will yield results later. May: In the month of May was all about recognising and picking up the pieces of your dreams. If you take the time to study the picture of your future, you will identify the pieces as you journey on. Cultivate a mindset of awareness- certainty that all around you lies the resources you need for your journey. Awareness stops you from chasing the bag, conserves energy, and keeps you on the right path. June: Knowledge vs Wisdom As we age, we will acquire knowledge, but there is a level of growth some of us will not experience because it lies on the other side of pain. Everyone talks about and expects progress. There is a steady progression that occurs daily. Even if we don’t make any effort at all, we are changing. We are getting older. We are gaining life experiences. But don’t mistake ageing for evolving. Knowledge is information from the outside, while wisdom produces truth from the inside. Wisdom is applied knowledge at the risk of discomfort to self. You can acquire knowledge but cannot be taught wisdom; it requires self-sacrifice, experience and a heart that seeks it. Listen to the full episode and let me know your thoughts. Let’s connect on Instagram; I have begun a series of lives with female business owners because experience is a great teacher- but it isn’t the only teacher. You can watch the replay on my @toksaruoture with Alexandra Baldi, the founder of Compass Chelsea. And if this episode has inspired you, i.e. led you to do some thinking, make some decisions and even better, act on it, get some more inspiration from Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to this podcast and, of course, to my YouTube channel. References: Afefeyeye Restaurant

Looking Back to Finish Well

Looking back to finish well

We are officially in the second half of  2022, and in this landmark Episode #60, I look back at the year thus far. If you are going to finish well, it helps to look back and gather the lessons we have learned. I believe life is jam-packed with lessons, and those lessons come to help us navigate the onward journey. So I thought I’d bring you into my sacred space, my journal, to see some life-changing lessons that didn’t make it into the podcast- or my social media platforms. If living inside out was a book, this episode is what lies between the lines 😁 Some of the gems I share include: Understanding the power of single dimension decisions. The seemingly small everyday tasks have the power to create the life we want or keep us stagnant. Learning to doubt your doubts: Some thoughts come to inform us, but the information isn’t necessarily an instruction. Every day we face two choices, to go for what we desire or to quench the desire itself. Know that the human spirit is dynamic, not fixed. You are constantly evolving to become the person capable of fulfilling your unique purpose. So even when it looks impossible, don’t accept it. Believe you can and allow God to mould you into the person who did. Use mindset tools to get you out of a rut, such as recalling the fantastic things you have done. This helps you to recognise your abilities when challenges conceal them. Next week we will continue with more lessons learned in the year’s first half. Mark your calendar: My much-awaited programme, Get Unstuck, launches at the start of the school year, on the 15th of September. Registration will open on the 30th of July, with minimal spaces. Get Unstuck is my unique system for exposing the mindsets holding you back. I created it because everyone has a desire to excel, but not everyone will live their best life. We place more emphasis on doing than we do on becoming; much activity keeps you busy but not necessarily productive. Our emotions spark our actions, which our thoughts birth. So if you want to change the outcome, you must work backwards to unearth your thoughts.  With more requests for mentoring than I can physically accept, I decided to include free mentoring in the package. I have over 19 years of business experience, and there is nothing that will surprise me about running a business. I am also in my final year of being in my forties, so I come with a bucketload of life experiences too. Head to to join my mailing list- or send me a DM. Let’s connect! Let’s connect on Instagram; I have begun a series of lives with female business owners because experience is a great teacher- but it isn’t the only teacher. You can watch the replay on my @toksaruoture with Alexandra Baldi, the founder of Compass Chelsea. And if this episode has inspired you, i.e. led you to do some thinking, make some decisions and even better, act on it, get some more inspiration from Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to this podcast and, of course, to my YouTube channel.

The Power of a Non-Negotiable Why


Everyone talks about going for your dreams, don’t hold back, being resilient, etc. these are well-meaning phrases repeated by motivational gurus, but just how easy is it to go for your dreams? We can all agree resilience is necessary if we are to keep going, but how do we build strength when we get knocked down before we can stand straight up again? By having a non-negotiable why. In this episode, I share how having a non-negotiable why can override all the reasons to give up. The power released each time you look at your ‘why’ infuses you with the strength to either begin again or keep going. As always, I draw examples from my life and Eric Thomas and Lisa Nichols, two well-loved motivational speakers who have generously shared their personal stories over the years. I hope that by the end of this inspiring episode, you’d have unearthed powerful reasons to produce fruit from the seeds God planted within you. Announcement: I’ll be opening up a much-needed programme soon, where I will be working with a few people to transform through a change in their mindset. Send me a DM or email if you’d like to know more. Resources Ep #25 Evidence-Based Living Eric Thomas  Lisa Nichols Let’s Connect: Have you subscribed to this podcast? Why don’t you do so on your favourite podcast app? Then head to to watch and subscribe to my show, Living Inside Out. I would LOVE to connect with you on social; let’s stay in touch at and hang out on Instagram- @toksaruoture and on Facebook, Living Inside Out.

Taking Ownership of Your Dreams: Embracing the Ugly


In this episode, I take you back to my early days in business; because the good stuff is always readily available to see. Let’s face it; I am likelier to post a link to a press interview that shows me in good light than I am if the article said some not-so-nice things about me. Life and business are hard. This isn’t just a cliche but a statement of fact. But just because it’s true does not mean we should embrace the opportunity to quit when it shows up. I have had many of those; some I accepted, others I was able to turn my back on and keep moving. Is there a  secret to why people press on when they should quit? I think so. But I believe that the secret applies to that individual only, which is why we must take time to listen to what our soul is saying. Your path and the answers to the challenges you meet are unique to you. Growth is painful, yet it is pain that builds resilience. You need resilience to get up when you fall- and to try again when you fail. Listen to this inspiring episode, and let me know your thoughts! Resources Ep #54: Recognising The Pieces of Your Dreams Amazing Massage: Saeng Jan Thai Spa Let’s Connect: Have you subscribed to this podcast? Why don’t you do so on your favourite podcast app? Then head to to watch and subscribe to my show, Living Inside Out. I would LOVE to connect with you on social; let’s stay in touch at and hang out together on Instagram- @toksaruoture and on Facebook, Living Inside Out.

Taking Ownership: The Key to Navigating your Path

Take Ownership of Your Dreams

In this episode, I share my thoughts on taking ownership of three areas of your life that can place you in the driving seat of your life.   No one likes pain and disappointments; no one wants to be the bearer of mistakes. If we could choose, I’m sure we’d choose the good, the pleasant all the time, or at least more often than we currently experience it.  I believe life is a balance between pleasant and unpleasant, easy and difficult, predictable and surprising. And balance does not mean equal parts; it simply means we swing from one end to the other and find ourselves somewhere between both extremes.   Being able to embrace the good, the bad, and the ugly in our lives is a skill we must develop to direct the course of our lives.   Ow Your Mistakes If you can take responsibility and not shift blame or look for anyone or circumstance to blame, you will have mastery over the trajectory of your life. Because fault gives power to the thing you are according it. Own Your Emotions Our environments or circumstances feed our thoughts, and thoughts spark emotions, while emotions lead to actions which create the environment that provides our thoughts. So if you do not own your feelings, you don’t own the circumstances you find yourself in, which means you cannot actively change them. You will remain in a cycle of trial and error, hope and disappointment.   Own Your Results It follows from the previous point that by owning your environment, which feeds your thoughts and ultimately leads you to take action, you are responsible for the results of your effort. A faultfinder sees the challenges and blames them, while one who takes ownership recognises them and carries on despite them.   The joy of owning your environment and your life- the good, the bad and the ugly means you are on the right side of the soil. You are here, in our beautiful, though the fallen world. It’s all yours to utilise and enjoy.   Connect Have you subscribed to this podcast? Why don’t you do so on your favourite podcast app? Then head to to watch and subscribe to my show, Living Inside Out. I would LOVE to connect with you on social; let’s stay in touch at and hang out on Instagram- @toksaruoture and on Facebook, Living Inside Out.