Toks Aruoture | Speaker, Coach & Storyteller
Down memory lane has many benefits, but only if you know to navigate your way to the right spots. There are gems hidden in the dark places we left behind. We shy away from going back there because of the painful memories, but do you know that you displayed incredible strength in that space?
How else would you have been here to tell the tale? Yes, it was hard, but you survived. Yes, it was dark, but you found your way out. You never want to experience it again, but you did. And you’re here; scarred? Maybe, but alive.
In this episode, I share my experience of going back to one of the darkest periods of my life, and I uncover some personality traits that I buried, along with the experience. I intend to get you to do the same. Storms transform us into better versions of ourselves- but only if we submit to the change process.
Some of the gems I uncovered include:
Courage isn’t a feeling. It’s a decision you take amid fear. It is counter-logical but do it anyway.
Authenticity; is the practice of being yourself and showing up as you- even when the world would prefer a different version. Show up anyway.
Raised Expectations; raise your expectations to meet God’s promise for you; don’t lower them to agree with your present circumstances.
I also shared tips on how to hope again when all hope is lost.
I pray this episode fulfils my intention for it, which is to help you propel onto the next phase of your life, whatever that looks like, with confidence that God has got you.
Finish Strong: Your Foundation for Starting Next Year Well
Get Unstuck: Mindset Mentoring Programme
The Simplifiers Podcast: How to Adopt a Healthy Mindset
Let’s Connect:
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