Toks Aruoture

Think of a Podcast as a radio station, and instead of the stations as displayed on your car radio, you have podcast covers arranged in a grid on your device.

Your library is your personal collection of preset ‘stations’ or preferred podcasts.

Here’s Podcast 101: A podcast is a show that may tell a story, give an interview or even carry out a discussion in a talk-show style. There are podcasts in every genre from self-help, entrepreneurship and religion, to sports, news and documentaries. Some have just one host, others may have two.

Podcasts may be published daily or weekly; it helps to subscribe so that you receive a notification or better still, an automatic download of the new episode once it is published. The Living Inside Out podcast is a weekly podcast that is published every Thursday.

Okay back up, subscribe? Where? how?


You will need to download a podcast app to listen, a bit like a digital or virtual radio. Examples include  Apple Podcasts | Android Google Podcasts Stitcher Spotify, Podbean and more.

Where to listen

Most podcast shows are available on these main apps. The apps are free and it is free to listen too. You only need one podcast app on your device and it can be downloaded from the Google Play Store if you’re an Android user. If you are of the Apple family, go to the Apple store. Spotify is my prefered music player and they also play podcasts. Once you have downloaded your app, search for the podcast by name or title, and then look for the subscribe or add button and click it. Done. You don’t have to worry about missing an episode any longer!

Gotcha! So How Do You Find Them

You can search for a podcast by its own name, e.g ‘Living Inside Out with Toks’, or by the name of the host, e.g Toks Aruoture. You may find that there are multiple podcasts that share the same or a similar name so it helps to know the name of the host too. Usually, the album cover stays the same so once you have a library full of them, it becomes easier to identify them with a quick glance- most people keep their cover the same for a long time if not permanently. The Living Inside Out podcast cover is a soft pink with an afro-rocking avatar 😉

Living Inside Out Podcast

Anything else on Podcast 101?

Yes. Each episode of my podcast has show notes included so you can refer to any books, movies or recommendations mentioned during the show. In addition, you get a summary of what the episode is about.

Also, podcasts by default are displayed new to old from the top down, so if you are just starting with Living Inside Out, you’d start with Episode #1, you will need to start listening from the bottom. You can play around with the settings to change the order if you prefer, and also to automatically play the next episode once the one you’re listening to comes to an end. It’s called binge-listening- which you will enjoy doing with mine 🙂 The best part, you can stop anytime and carry on where you left off.

Why does the listening order matter?

One word- series. Some podcasts are serial, you skip one and you lose the flow of the gist. Others like Living Inside Out are episodic- but, I often make references to previous episodes. In addition, I will be recording some topics in a series of 3 or more so it’s better to listen in order. When you discover a podcast with hundreds of episode, it makes sense to simply choose the episodes that catch your attention.

I hope you have found my guide to podcasting helpful but if you are still unsure, drop a comment in the box below and I’ll respond. Also if I’ve missed anything, and you are a pro, please share in the comments box.

Happy listening!

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